How Inventory Software Helps Lower Food Cost

 In 1. David Scott Peters, Food Costs, Inventory, SMART Systems, Video Blog

Have you ever wondered how inventory software helps lower food cost? Taking inventory sucks! I get it. However, it doesn’t have to be a dreaded task and the benefits to your business are huge. Watch this video to learn how inventory software can help lower food cost and get you on track for regular inventories.

Most restaurants do what they can to avoid that 3-4 hours per week and put it off to just doing it once a month, or even less often. Then, when you finally you do it, you put print it out, put it on a clipboard and look at all your items you have to count… in no particular order. Then the count begins and leads to all kinds of issues with food cost. Maybe you don’t have the new items you’ve been ordering on the list, or you have ounces instead of by cases, and the “in-transit” items that aren’t being counted since they’ve already been prepared.

If you’re working with inaccurate inventory counts, you’re working with a bad food cost calculation.

The number one thing inventory management software can do for you is allow you to set up your shelves in shelf-to-sheet order. However you store it, that’s how you count it.

This allows you to do inventory in a multi-million dollar restaurant in under an hour every WEEK. Because you don’t have to do any math – it’s just counted the way you see it. And you can figure out your food cost immediately. With the snap of a finger! This same data gives you automatic par levels, and you can order for any restaurant because it’s all figured for you. It’s more accurate than any chef can ever do.

I can also look at my ideal food cost and compare it to my actual, but also break it all the way down to individual products, allowing you find and fix problems in one easy step.

To lower your food cost, you have to have accurate inventories. They need to be done fast and on a weekly basis.

And that’s how inventory software helps lower food cost for you. Our restaurant management software, SMART Systems Pro, includes inventory management.

If you want to learn more about doing inventory regularly and how inventory software helps lower food cost, read our free special report, Breaking Away from the Insanity: How to easily take control of your restaurant and make more money. Download it here. Be sure to visit our YouTube channel for more helpful restaurant business management video tips. 

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